To provide opportunities that will inspire and nurture the human spirit, one kid at a time.

Designed by kids and adults, STOKE is a youth program for those seeking an inner change as well as practical life skills. We hope to grow their passion for the outdoors and our community.

See our Programs

4th Annual Valentine’s Day Fundraiser

Friday, February 14th from 5pm-8pm

@ the Lodge, 131 S. Spruce Townsend, MT

Buy tickets Learn more



Use evidence-based curriculum and research to incorporate science and practical math into all outdoor activities.



Enhance practical computer literacy by using management and industry standard computer applications during our outdoor programming.



Inspire a passion for Montana’s wide array WORK-PLAY programs by offering and promoting outdoor activities.



Planned by youth and adult mentors, host activities that expand knowledge of innovative opportunities in nature and occupations in Montana.



Create opportunities in outdoor entrepreneurship that include: marketing, public relations, tourism, stewardship, and natural resource conservation.


  • Stoke Update October 2024
    Our twelve STOKE Directors have been busy with fall programming and projects. Having hired Liz Wishman, a retired teacher, as our Development Coordinator, the directors are now able to expand our mission of offering kids more skill opportunities. Liz hit the ground running, working on potential grants, organizing, scheduling, recruiting instructors, and filling in where… Read more: Stoke Update October 2024
  • Tessie’s Ties
    Tessie started fly-tying with Jim Bird during the STOKE class last January, after the class ended, she continued to tie flies on her own and with Jim’s guidance along the way. We (her parents) encouraged her to continue and brought her to fly shops to find supplies. We stopped at a fly shop in Ennis… Read more: Tessie’s Ties
STOKE skiing

A Montana-Based Youth Skills Empowerment Organization

STOKE is a unique non-profit founded by a few rebellious souls.

They have a noble purpose and a lofty Big Sky objective: to provide opportunities that will inspire and nurture the human spirit, one kid at a time.

Designed by kids and adults, STOKE is a youth program for those seeking an inner change as well as practical life skills. We hope to grow their passion for the outdoors and our community.

Based in Townsend, MT, we accept kids grade 6th through 12th grade. Ready to register your child for STOKE? Click here.

Do you love our mission? Learn more about sponsoring or donating here!

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